01305 262338 (24 Hour Service)

Grassby Funeral Service, 8 Princes Street, Dorchester, Dorset DT1 1TW


Burial may take place in a local Council run or privately owned cemetery. 

Most rural churches will also have a churchyard which may still have space available for burials. Burials in churchyards are usually only permitted where the deceased was a resident in the Parish or an existing family grave exists which can be used for a further interment. 

In a privately owned or Council run Cemetery, a fee is normally required to purchase the Exclusive Right of Burial for the grave that is to be used and in addition there will also be an interment fee payable. If the deceased was not a resident of that town or Parish, fees may be increased by the Local Authority.

Depending on which cemetery is chosen, the interment fee may include grave digging charges; otherwise there will be a separate charge for employing a freelance gravedigger to prepare the grave for burial

In churchyards, there is usually a statutory Parochial fee payable to the Church for permission to be interred in the churchyard. This fee does not include the cost of grave digging for which there will be a separate charge.

The interment and all necessary documentation is arranged by us on your behalf through the local Church, or the Local Authority for the Cemetery you wish to use. 

As the Cemetery or Church fees are expenses we are required to pay prior to the funeral, we would ask for it to be paid as a part of the deposit toward the disbursements (Third party expenses) 

Please speak to us for details and location of local cemeteries or Churchyards which will be available for burial.